Emily's Favorite Chicken Marinade

1/2 cup olive oil
1/2 cup vinegar (any kind... I usually use apple cider or distilled)
1/4 cup soy sauce or coconut aminos
1/8 cup Worcestershire sauce
1/8 cup lemon juice
1/4 cup sugar or monk fruit sweetener or apple juice
2 tbsp yellow mustard
2 tsp salt
1 tsp pepper
2 tsp garlic powder

Mix ingredients and pour over chicken breasts. Let marinade at least 24 hours. I have let them marinade up to 3 or so days, so this is a good prep ahead of time meal. We always grill these and serve with salads or cut up fruit, but I am sure it is good prepared anyway you like.

This marinade is my favorite I have ever found for chicken.

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